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亞通能源科技股份有限公司(以下簡稱亞能科),主要從事於各項與能源利用有關之事業,包括各類電廠的設計、興建、電廠管線、設備的設計、製造、安裝,替代能源;如垃圾焚化爐、風力、太陽能電力設施之設計、施工。曾經服務過的客戶,包括台灣電力、台灣汽電共生、台化(麥寮汽電)、新宇汽電、長生電力、環保署、民航局…等政府機構與國內知名企業。在石化設施興建方面,亞能科與國外技術來源合作,長期以來為中油、台化提供設計、建廠服務,目前服務對象更擴展到中美和及中石化。此外,亞能科近來更將服務觸角延伸至電子、鋼鐵及氣體供應,目前已完成台積電南科廠純水工程。 亞能科服務對象不僅限於國內廠商,全世界三大電廠供應商之一,法商艾斯敦(ALSTOM)公司,更將亞能科納為全球供應鏈之一,六年以來,向亞能科訂製之電廠用特殊合金、不銹鋼、碳鋼管線及管線支撐,行銷英國、巴西、馬來西亞、越南。今年更擴大雙方合作範疇,協助亞能科取得歐盟認證,將亞能科所設計製造之高溫高壓管線,銷往歐洲各國。 亞能科營運團隊為當年中美技術合作,經台電送往美國接受訓練及實地從事工程工作菁英,回國後從事台電核三廠興建,日前與美商石威(Stone Webster)公司共同完成台電核四興建專案之顧問服務工作,目前正與益鼎工程公司繼續為台電核四興建專案提供服務。亞能科擁有ISO9001:2000之品質管理系統以及獨步全國之智慧文件管理(DDCS)系統,在設計方面,更可以配合業主需求,以PDS、PDMS或AutoPLANT軟體進行設計,同時與德國INNOTEC公司合作推展LCAIM (Lift Cycle Asset Information Management)系統,屆時亞能科將可提供整廠數位化管理系統,從設計、施工到完工後的運轉、管理,均可以數位化方式進行,使亞能科提供的服務,晉身全世界一流的水準。 長久以來,亞能科在客戶的支持與鼓勵下,積極成長,也以亮麗成績回饋給客戶。
公司成立於1972年, 專門製作腳踏車零件。1986年, 永康工業區設立了新工廠(4000 平方英尺 ) 也設立了自動化. 鎳電鍍等大範圍的設施, 以增加我們的品質與競爭力. 此外,工廠生產多種腳踏車零件與多樣型號,也達到國內最大生產量。鐵圈與鋁圈年產量達8200,000組。 1999年在越南平陽省神浪II工業區設立新工廠與辦公大樓。之後腳踏車圈的產量更超越台灣工廠的3倍。 2005年, 我們開始生產摩托車鐵圈與鋁圈以因應越南當地市場的需求。在歐洲,南美洲,與東南亞也有很好的銷售量。年產量達: 1000,000組。
傑印資訊股份有限公司 (Excellent Infotek Corporation,eic) 成立於民國七十八年,為一專業軟體公司。 主要客戶包括政府機關及大型企業,為國家「挑戰數位台灣」『G2B2C』(Government - Business - Customer) 專案成員之一。 G2B2C專案為國家十大重點投資計畫之一,是採 web-servers的網路共通服務平臺 ,將政府機關、企業及民眾納入整體規劃,統籌推動辦理策略,提供前瞻性的技術與創新服務建置全國電子交換。 傑印公司素以在軟體產品開發,網路服務平台規畫及Web Service 等領域上為使用者及業界肯定。以物件導向為軟體開發方法,成功創造了上市軟體的品質及肯定。為了進一步提昇軟體競爭力,在經濟部工業局及中華軟體協會專案下,引進目前世界大部份領先軟體公司所採用的軟體管理方法 --「 CMMI 」成熟度模式,針對軟體開發及軟體服務的範圍設定一套執行的標準,並能提昇軟體工程的能力及成熟度,傑印公司將其成熟度模式,融合PDCA + Spiral Life Cycle 的專案開發精神,期望能提供符合國際水準的專案管理方法並發展具國際競爭力的軟體。
山和實業股份有限公司是由何國平先生所創立的,原本是專注於生產LOTUS品牌的各式自行車專用袋,後來慢慢擴展產品線到運動背包、運動袋及水袋系統。在西元1979年,我們為WSI製作了一系列高品質的自行車專用袋,這是我們的第一個具有世界規模的客戶,自此之後,LOTUS也陸續接獲世界級大廠的訂單,例如SCHIWNN、Service Cycle、RALEIGH、BLACK BURN、Halfords、Serfas、GIANT以及KHS。我們甚至獲得汽車大廠的代工訂單,例如德國Mercedes-Benz 與 BMW。現在,我們不僅僅在台灣生產高品質的專業自行車袋,同時也專注於研究設計新的產品來更貼近消費者的需求。
斯壯有限公司1977年創立於臺灣, 專營汽車零件及配件之出口貿易,後於1996年轉入休旅車及小貨卡之配件其製造,產品有:前保杆、後保杆、側踏板、備胎罩、腳踏車架、行李箱、行李架等。銷往美洲為主及世界許多國家,如歐洲、英國、俄羅斯、紐澳、日本、中東、西非、Caribbean Countries及南美洲等 經營理念: 堅持品質 殷勤為商 創造利潤 員工共用 公司精神: 落實改進 不斷創新 (業務精神) 不斷創新 追求卓越 ( 企業家精神) 我司每年都必參加的世界各大汽車零配件展,例如:  SEMA SHOW IN LAS VEGAS, USA  AUTOMECHANIKA IN FRANKFURT, GERMANY  MOSCOW INTERNATIONAL MOTOR SHOW IN MOSCOW, RUSSIA  AMPA SHOW IN TAIPEI, TAIWAN, R.O.C.  TAIPEI CYCLE BIKE SHOW, TAIWAN, R.O.C 各展都有不錯成效, 且深獲客戶喜愛。
We are a Singapore based software company specialising in packaged software development and integration for Wealth Management Structured Products businesses. Due to its ease of use and depth of functionality, our solution has become the de-facto choice for market leaders since 2003. We built the system with Dual Currency Deposits and then extended it to comprehensively include products such as Equity Linked Notes, Tranche Based Structured Products, Principal Protected Deposits, FX Equity Accumulators, Vanilla Barrier Options. Our software is equally detailed across all three phases of a transaction life cycle viz. pre-deal, at-deal and post-deal. Our solution is designed for retail and private bank relationship managers and operations users, and is distinctly different from the trader oriented systems in the market. We offer the right mix of distributed thin client functionality complemented by rich centralized modules. Our system is proven to perform well under heavy volumes, with our largest client using the system for more than 2,000 end-users (with 500 concurrent users) across 11 countries, supported by a central dealing hub and a common multi-entity-enabled database. We are known for our quick turnaround time, precision in delivery and flexibility towards our clients’ requirements. Our installations are typically completed on-time, however aggressive the schedules might be. e.g. we built 11 different interfaces for a large investment bank within 8 weeks. We are privately owned and have 7 offices globally. We have a flat organisation structure comprising of an experienced development team, complemented by domain knowledge specialists and quantitative analysts, who come from some of the top institutes. Our retention rates are among the best in the industry which has ensured continuity and stability to our clients.
Based in Taipei, Taiwan, LicomLED was formed to pursuit high brightness and low power lighting solutions. With the looming of global energy crisis, Licom’s mission is to provide “Green” and energy saving LED lighting products to help conserve global electricity. With a seasoned engineering team of thermal, optical design and total profile, we are aimed to deliver user’s friendly single on/off, dimmable or active optical lighting products. We focus on the following segments, automotive applications general lighting portable applications medical applications In LicomLED, we believe in the success is based on the flawless communication throughout the product development cycle between team LicomLED and our valuable customers. Customer service and design quality is our top priority.
Green Penguin Taiwan Ltd (GPTL), a professional consulting firm, creating and delivering services to enable its clients to win in the changing world of work. Founded in Taipei in 2006, GPTL has continually proved the quality services in the Asia Market. Among the severe competition of the global market, GPTL stays proactive at clients’ needs and puts more focuses on raising productivity through improved quality and cost-reduction for their workforce, enabling clients to concentrate on their core business activities. For years, GPTL has dedicated to provide a high quality talents recruit and good quantity of employment fulfilling for clients. By offering the quality services, we can help clients raise productivity through improved strategy, quality, efficiency and cost reduction. Our strong consultant team is of the strength, which stands firm for the tough competition of the market; as they are senior recruiters with good backgrounds and expertise of both high tech and non high tech industries. Keeping the commitment to seek talents, the ultimate goal for GPTL is not only to provide the most suitable candidates for clients, but also to facilitate the process of achieving or even surpassing the goals efficiently. We’ve kept enhancing our ability to provide clients with expert advice to help them navigate the entire employment and business cycle. We provide consulting services through GPTL, including HR consulting, research and diagnostics, talent recruitment and architecture and career transition, etc. GPTL has always been aware of the changing world of work, thus to retain and keep improving and enhancing the quality of services is the key to help advance the workforce for the job market of today and tomorrow.
成立時間: 西元1944年 總部設於美國, 全球佈點:共32個 、歐洲 美洲 、亞洲 、中南美洲 經營理念: EBSCO Information Services is the leading service provider of e-journal, e-book and e-journal package and print subscriptions, e-resource management tools, full-text and secondary databases, and related services for all types of libraries and research organizations. In its seventh decade of business, EBSCO upholds relationships with more than 79,000 publishers globally. These publisher relationships uniquely position us to streamline many aspects of the e-resource life cycle. EBSCO maintains a Dun Bradstreet financial strength rating of 5A1, the highest awarded, which underscores the importance we place on providing outstanding, ethical service. Please visit our website: www.ebsco.com or www.ebsco.com.tw EBSCO 公司擁近七十年的歷史,企業多元化經營與迅速成長,擴展至製造業及其他服務業的等行業。 EBSCO 不僅在亞洲,更是全球最大的期刊代理商,提供國際線上訂購,迄今在期刊同儕中EBSCO仍是科技的先趨者。EBSCO 目前員工分布全球五大洲,並於三十二個國家皆設有分公司,員工數超過6千人,注重與地區客戶的面對面接觸,並常定期拜訪聯繫客戶。 更多資訊請參閱 www.ebsco.com 或 www.ebsco.com.tw 榮耀事蹟: EBSCO 財務狀況健全,據全球知名鄧白氏財務析評鑑報告中,EBSCO 榮獲最優的 5A1 等級,另外,EBSCO 已連續數年,被著名富比士雜誌遴選為美國前兩百大之優良私人企業。 企業文化: Our Seven Values Customer First Our jobs and our company’s future come from the customer. Sales We educate and persuade to offer our products and services as far and wide as the market opportunity exists. Growth We are committed to growing revenues and business activities. Profitability Profits provide the resources to maintain operations, to invest in new opportunities and to ensure a financially secure organization. Engineering We must constantly seek to identify and to develop ways to realize opportunities for positive change. Thrift The need for economy stands as an eternal verity. People People make the difference when they work together as a knowledgeable, productive and motivated team.
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